This is a custom Copilot Fx Broadcast with 3 independent outputs, this unit allows the user to control in real time 3 expression jacks inputs, giving the control and flexibility to shape the amount of sweep to your liking. The user requested a blank pink case (no artwork / silk screen). It has 3 independent expression outputs, each out has the option to be modulated via the internal LFO (each one has range and aux controls to give you the option to mold the amount of sweep to your preference) or manually (by the source at the cv/exp in jack it could be an expression pedal or cv source; with nothing plugged in the jack , it will be like an expression pedal in the toe down position), so you can have an LFO at the out 1 and 2, while output 3 is controlled via an expression pedal.
Outputs 1 and 2 have footswitches to allow real time control while the 3rd output is via a toggle switch. Also the speed of the LFO or the tap multiplier rates can be controlled via the expression / cv input, and the range / amount of the output 1 can be synced to the expression / cv input, giving more options, an extra CV output jack can feed a broadband or bandwidth in case you need more outputs.