Copilot Fx Portal is a mixer / blender pedal / fx loop, giving the user the option to mix / blend the signal inside the loop (send / return jacks on top) with the signal coming in (dry), both signal paths have Their respective volume knobs (vol for the dry and loop for the fx loop), the range knob controls the amount of mix, at 0 (7:00) only the dry will be present, increasing the knob clockwise will start adding more signal from the loop until it gets full wet.
The range can also be controlled via a TRS expression pedal (it won’t matter the pot value) or 0-5v CV signals, adding functionality and range to other pedals and sonic possibilities.
The 2 right toggles, allows syncing the dry and/or loop to the range knob/exp. The options are as follows.
- Dry toggle down / Loop toggle down: both signals will be in parallel and won’t react to the changes of the range knob/exp.
- Dry toggle up/ Loop toggle down: only the dry signal will react to the changes of the range knob/exp, while the loop signal will be intact.
- Dry toggle down / Loop toggle up: only the loop signal will react to the changes of the range knob/exp, while the dry signal will be intact.
- Dry toggle up / Loop toggle up: both signals will react to the changes of the range knob/exp, allowing to fade in/out the signals.
The left toggle is to change the phase polarity of the loop signal
The volume in the fx loop is post loop, so it won’t clip/saturate the units inside. You can also only connect to the return jack on the loop, in case you want to mix/add radio signals, samplers, noise/bleep boxes / other instruments or want to add the unused stereo jacks on some pedals.