It's a variable pulse width Fuzz pedal and oscillator. The signal at the input is converted into a square wave with an adjustable amount of the on/off time of the wave.
A dry signal is run in parallel of the fuzz voice, to add some clarity, and oscillation footswitch is included to add more chaotic, morse key-ing secret alien messages.
Oscillation toggle: selects oscillation type.
Gate: amount of signal into the circuit.
Width: set the desire duty cycle.
Amount: tune the pitch of the oscillation (when you press the right momentary footswitch).
Vol: Amount of volume.
Dry: parallel dry signal volume, to add some balance and clarity.
Tone: cuts the high end to set the fuzz voice from subtle to full blast.
Exp / CV Jack: external control of the width via TRS expression pedal or 0-5v cv signal.
Momentary Switch: activates the oscillation
Silk Screened artwork with enamel ink into a powder coated aluminium case
Dimensions: 4.5" x 2 1/2" x 2 1/2"
Powered only by DC 9v power Jack (center negative), no batteries option
Expression Jack: external control of the pulse width, TRS expression jack or 0-5v CV. Compatible with the Broadcast, Broadband and Bandwidth