The antenna2 is the evolution of the antenna, it comes with a footswitchable LFO, which varies the sampling Frequency up and down, creating some interesting sounds. The antenna2 produces a mix of LoFi ring modulation, Sample Reduction and near theremin sounds . The sounds this pedal produces are limited only by your imagination, specially when is run in conjunction with other pedals. Perfect for those who want to run drones through it for ambient, experimental, also to "digitalize" their sound to get those industrial Videogame distorted tones or to get that in your face aggressive/harsh synth sound out of your head. .
Gain toggle: selects an extra fuzz stage, to add more gain.
Oscillation toggle: selects is the sampling frequency is gated or always running.
CRK: fine tune for the mix.
Cycle: syncs the mix to the lfo.
Rate: sets the speed of the lfo.
Wave: sets the waveform of the lfo.
Mix: sets the intensity of the effect.
Vol: amount of volume.
FRQ: sets the sampling conversion frequency.
Range: sets the amount of modulation from the lfo to the frq
Silk Screened artwork with enamel ink into a powder coated aluminium case
Dimensions: 4.6" x 3.6" x 2.5"
Powered only by DC 9v power Jack (center negative), no batteries option
Mutations / Variations / Inventions / based around the Antenna2